Dear Players,
Since May 2017 we have been publicly streaming TruckersMP on Twitch and amusing several hundred viewers per stream! We have realised that in the recent months we have not given our Twitch channel and community enough attention as we intended to do so. So we are very proud to announce a relaunch of our Twitch channel and also a new team to the TruckersMP community!
We have set out some questions related to this rank so you can have a better understanding of this new team.
A new team?
Yes! This team will be in charge of doing regular streams on our Twitch channel! Their primary focus will attract more social interactions and bringing even more attention to the TruckersMP community.
What is exactly happening?
We will open the recruitment system, which will also be the place where you can apply to this team!
For more information on what the exact requirements are for this position, check out this Forum post.
Why do we need this team?
Because we want to increase the interaction with the community on Twitch and we feel like having our own Stream Team would most definitely help us in doing so!
The Community Management Team and Project Management have been working on this project for quite a while now and we feel like now is the perfect time to make this announcement. This team will increase the amount of streams you will see from us!
What streams can we expect from the Stream Team?
A large variety of streams. You can expect our Official Streamers to be at our Official Convoys that we host at TruckersMP! You can also expect simple driving streams where they may drive in a community convoy or around in our public servers.
How will the recruitment work?
The recruitment for the Stream Team will work the same as any other recruitment. Apart from the requirements that we ask from you, everything will be the same.
We will open the recruitment for this position on the 27th of November.
Check out this link for more information!
Will we see, for example, Game Moderators in the Stream Team?
Yes, you may see some of our current staff members streaming on our Twitch channel.
Who will lead this team?
Community Management will be in charge of the recruitment and management of this team.
I’m interested in joining, what are the requirements to join the team?
More questions?
Contact us using the feedback ticket system under the category Community Management!
Kindest regards,
TruckersMP Community Management
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Συνέχεια ανάγνωσης...
Since May 2017 we have been publicly streaming TruckersMP on Twitch and amusing several hundred viewers per stream! We have realised that in the recent months we have not given our Twitch channel and community enough attention as we intended to do so. So we are very proud to announce a relaunch of our Twitch channel and also a new team to the TruckersMP community!
We have set out some questions related to this rank so you can have a better understanding of this new team.
A new team?
Yes! This team will be in charge of doing regular streams on our Twitch channel! Their primary focus will attract more social interactions and bringing even more attention to the TruckersMP community.
What is exactly happening?
We will open the recruitment system, which will also be the place where you can apply to this team!
For more information on what the exact requirements are for this position, check out this Forum post.
Why do we need this team?
Because we want to increase the interaction with the community on Twitch and we feel like having our own Stream Team would most definitely help us in doing so!
The Community Management Team and Project Management have been working on this project for quite a while now and we feel like now is the perfect time to make this announcement. This team will increase the amount of streams you will see from us!
What streams can we expect from the Stream Team?
A large variety of streams. You can expect our Official Streamers to be at our Official Convoys that we host at TruckersMP! You can also expect simple driving streams where they may drive in a community convoy or around in our public servers.
How will the recruitment work?
The recruitment for the Stream Team will work the same as any other recruitment. Apart from the requirements that we ask from you, everything will be the same.
We will open the recruitment for this position on the 27th of November.
Check out this link for more information!
Will we see, for example, Game Moderators in the Stream Team?
Yes, you may see some of our current staff members streaming on our Twitch channel.
Who will lead this team?
Community Management will be in charge of the recruitment and management of this team.
I’m interested in joining, what are the requirements to join the team?
- Have good knowledge of TruckersMP and the rules
- Must be a member of TruckersMP for at least 12 months
- Must be registered on the TruckersMP forum for at least 6 months
- No bans within the last 12 months
- Must have no more than 3 bans at all
- Must be at least 16 years old
- Must have overall good behavior and reputation which includes in-game, forum, Discord, and our official social media pages if applicable
- Language skills - fluent and intelligible English is necessary
- Excellent communication skills
- Resilient, active and flexible, able to work around a tight schedule
- Ability to work well within a team but also to be confident on your own
- Eager to learn and progress your knowledge
- Organized and adaptive
- Be able to accept constructive criticism
- Be able to stream at a minimum quality of 720p and 60 FPS
- Have previous streaming experience with at least a few viewers
More questions?
Contact us using the feedback ticket system under the category Community Management!
Kindest regards,
TruckersMP Community Management
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