Start your engines and buckle up truckers!!
With Summer now upon us, it is the perfect time to launch a new type of in-game event here at TruckersMP - Cargo Delivery Events.
We frequently receive requests from the community for us to add more varied content to our servers for players to enjoy, so our Add-On Team have been hard at work and we are delighted to bring you the latest fruits of their labour - the Fruity Freight Fiesta event.
From June 5th until July 2nd, we have five new TruckersMP exclusive special cargoes available, ready for you to deliver across Europe and North America in both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. For taking part in the Fruity Freight Fiesta event, players can earn some juicy rewards - read on for all of the details;
The Cargoes
Boxes of Grapes

Giant Mangoes

Boxes of Oranges

Giant Pineapple

Giant Watermelons

Personal Reward
As a reward for participating in the Fruity Freight Fiesta event, all participants can earn a special achievement for their profile - to get this reward simply complete at least five deliveries of any of the special cargoes listed above in either game.

Community Reward
In addition to the personal reward, we want to make sure that player's efforts during the Fruity Freight Fiesta event prove to be fruitful, so we have set an additional Community Goal of 20,000 deliveries across both games to be completed during the duration of the event, be sure to make as many deliveries as you can!
Once the goal is reached the community will be rewarded with the release of a special set of themed cabin accessories to celebrate the event.
We hope you are as excited about this new event as we are, hopefully it will be the first of many Cargo Delivery Events to come here on TruckersMP!
Let us know what you think on the forum or Discord and be sure to share your pictures with us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #TMPFruityFreightFiesta

-TruckersMP Team
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