Two blogs in one, double the fun! Today, we have some more news from the upcoming Missouri map expansion for American Truck Simulator. The first part is about new industries, and the second part is about new cargo, so let's get into it!​

There will be three new industries waiting for truckers in the Show Me State. You will find the first one just outside of St. Joseph, in the northwestern part of the state - the Superstructure Factory. This industry supplies bodywork for pickup trucks. You will deliver the necessary parts for production and then distribute the finished vehicles all over the map.​

Your favourite Farmers Barn brand will also have branches in Missouri along with its new type of production plant - the Feedmill. This massive plant is used to produce animal food. Deliver the necessary raw materials and distribute the finished product across the U.S. High silos, conveyors, road scales, a large packing house and a finished goods warehouse - everything a proper Feedmill should have.​

Anyone driving through southeast St. Louis on I-55 will notice that there is a historic beverage factory nearby. You will recognize it by its distinctive 19th and early 20th-century buildings which may look like historic castles, but they are still in production today. And its products need to be shipped out into the world. Guess who's job is that going to be?​

New Cargoes to Haul​

Our vehicle team has prepared new cargo for you to haul when Missouri is released, adding more variety to the haulable loads in our games. It's not just the regular cargo getting new additions - our Heavy Cargo Pack DLC will also feature massive new loads. Let's take a look!​

Among the new regular loads you'll be able to haul are Scaffolding, Cattle Barriers, Moving Pods, a Forklift, and Body Crane Trucks.​

Now, let's move on to the huge and heavy cargoes! Our Heavy Cargo Pack DLC is getting an upgrade with three new cargoes - a Mobile Screener, a Mobile Crusher, and a Mobile Stacker.​

Enjoy this upcoming map expansion to the fullest and amplify your trucking experience with new loads from the Heavy Cargo Pack DLC which you can get on Steam.

If you are looking forward to trucking in the Show Me State, make sure to add this map expansion to your Steam Wishlist! Don't forget to follow us on our X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Bluesky, and YouTube, so you won't miss out on any American Truck Simulator news. We'd also really appreciate it if you could sign up for our newsletter to stay informed, even when you're not able to check out the blog or our socials. Keep on truckin'!​

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